Training | Consultancy | Auditing 
All complaints are reviewed by the MD and investigated thoroughly. On receipt of the complaint IQC will acknowledge within 3 working days and confirm investigation in progress. Independent investigators will be appointed, and a report submitted to the MD who makes final decision on complaint status. The outcome of the complaint will be made know to the “complainer” by the MD. 
If a learner appeals against their examination result, the IQC will conduct an immediate independent review of the learner’s script. The learner will made aware that the review is in progress and the outcome of same. In cases where the learner is not satisfied with the outcome of the independent review, they will then be instructed on how to appeal to the CQI_IRCA. 
IQC will support the CQI_IRCA review and provide all requested evidence including copies of both the initial exam grading and the independent review.