MDSAP Training Program - 1 Day - Virtual Classroom
31 Mar 2023 9 Delegates Maximum per training €499 Price includes training, all training materials, registration with accredited body, refreshments during the training where applicable. Need a quote for In-house Training email us today Introduction: A global approach to auditing and monitoring the manufacturing of medical devices could improve their safety and oversight on an international scale. The Medical Device Single Audit Program allows an MDSAP recognised Auditing Organisation to conduct a single regulatory audit of a medical device manufacturer that satisfies the relevant requirements of the regulatory authorities participating in the program. Who Should Attend? This training is aimed at those with a working knowledge of a QMS from all levels within the organisation with responsibility for designing, implementing and maintaining Quality Systems including (but not limited to): Quality Assurance Quality Control Quality Managers Regulatory Affairs External Auditors Other Departmental Managers Quality Engineers Internal Auditors Cancellations Places cancelled within 10 working days of commencement must be paid in full. Substitutions may be made at any time at no additional charge.